Updates on Palliative Medicine in the COVID-19 Era

Varrassi G, Rekatsina M. Updates on Palliative Medicine in the COVID-19 Era.
Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(2):315.
DOI: doi.org/10.3390/jcm11020315

The advances in knowledge in the field of pain medicine in the last half century have recently been reported from both the scientific and the social points of view [1,2,3]. The impact of pain on quality of life and healthcare utilization is highly significant [4]. Palliative care is frequently assimilated with pain medicine, even if pain management is only one important aspect of palliative management. Palliative medicine is a medical specialty dedicated to providing relief from the stress, burden, and symptoms of an illness for patients nearing the end of life. Its goal is to provide patients with better medical management, reduce their suffering, and enhance their quality of life. In addition, palliative care should support patients’ families, relieving their psychological and physical burden to assist a terminal patient, with all the associated consequences that this entails.

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