Neuropathic Pain in Neurologic Disorders: A Narrative Review

Mitsikostas D, Moka E, Orrillo E, Aurilio C, Paladini A, Vadalouca A, Varrassi G.
Neuropathic Pain in Neurologic Disorders: A Narrative Review.
Cureus 14(2): e22419. doi:10.7759/cureus.22419


Neuropathic pain is defined as a painful condition caused by neurological lesions or diseases. Sometimes, neurological disorders may also be associated with neuropathic pain, which can be challenging to manage. For example, multiple sclerosis (MS) may cause chronic centralized painful symptoms due to nerve damage. Other chronic neuropathic pain syndromes may occur in the form of post-stroke pain, spinal cord injury pain, and other central pain syndromes. Chronic neuropathic pain is associated with dysfunction, disability, depression, disturbed sleep, and reduced quality of life. Early diagnosis may help improve outcomes, and pain control can be an important factor in restoring function. There are more than 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy and those involving sensory neurons can provoke painful symptoms. Accurate diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy is essential for pain control. Further examples are represented by gluten neuropathy, which is an extraintestinal manifestation of gluten sensitivity and presents as a form of peripheral neuropathy; in these unusual cases, neuropathy may be managed with diet. Neuropathic pain has been linked to CoronaVirus Disease (COVID) infection both during acute infection and as a post-viral syndrome known as long COVID. In this last case, neuropathic pain relates to the host’s response to the virus. However, neuropathic pain may occur after any critical illness and has been observed as part of a syndrome following intensive care unit hospitalization.


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L'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore è il capitolo italiano dell'International Association for the Study of Pain IASP® e della European Pain Federation EFIC®

