Osteoarticular pain: therapeutic approach by paradigms

Molfetta L, Saviola G, Fornasari D, Grossi PA, Corcione A, Frediani B.
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2022 Jun;26(11):4054-4068. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202206_28975

Osteoarticular pain is a common condition in the adult population. It is a nociceptive pain modulated by different factors, and it is one of the major symptoms that force patients to seek medical advice. Since osteoarticular pain has a complex pathophysiology and it is not a linear condition, we propose in this paper an original approach to osteoarticular pain by paradigms, where a paradigm refers to a framework of concepts, results, and procedures within which subsequent work is structured. The paradigm presented is a conceptual tool that could help clinicians to choose the correct therapy considering both pain characteristics and clinical features.

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