What Is the Role of Palmitoylethanolamide Co-Ultramicronized with Luteolin on the Symptomatology Reported by Patients Suffering from Long COVID?

Pirro M, Ferri L, Piccioni L, Bellucci AM, Bartolucci F, Russo A, Piga A, Ciaramaglia PL, Lucangeli M, Russo AM, Cuzzocrea S, Evangelista M.
What Is the Role of Palmitoylethanolamide Co-Ultramicronized with Luteolin on the Symptomatology Reported by Patients Suffering from Long COVID? A Retrospective Analysis Performed by a Group of General Practitioners in a Real-Life Setting.
Nutrients. 2023; 15(17):3701. doi.org/10.3390/nu15173701


Long COVID is a recognized post-viral syndrome characterized by neurological, somatic and neuropsychiatric symptoms that might last for long time after SARS-CoV-2 infection. An ever-growing number of patients come to the observation of General Practitioners complaining of mild or moderate symptoms after the resolution of the acute infection. Nine General Practitioners from the Rome area (Italy) performed a retrospective analysis in order to evaluate the role of the supplementation with Palmitoylethanolamide co-ultramicronized with Luteolin (PEALUT) on neurologic and clinical symptoms reported by their patients after COVID-19 resolution. Supplementation with PEALUT helped to improve all patient-reported symptoms, especially pain, anxiety and depression, fatigue, brain fog, anosmia and dysgeusia, leading to an overall improvement in patients’ health status. To our knowledge these are the first data presented on Long COVID patients collected in a territorial setting. Despite their preliminary nature, these results highlight the pathogenetic role of “non-resolving” neuroinflammation in Long COVID development and consequently the importance of its control in the resolution of the pathology and put the focus on the General Practitioner as the primary figure for early detection and management of Long COVID syndrome in a real-life setting. Future randomized, controlled, perspective clinical trials are needed to confirm this preliminary observation.


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