Calendario eventi

Cancer Pain Academy 2023
Da Mercoledì, 13 Dicembre 2023
a Giovedì, 14 Dicembre 2023
Visite : 255
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Contatto Sharing Progress in Cancer Care

The Cancer Pain Academy is a free of charge closed event for selected participants only.

Chairs: Matti Aapro, CH - Sam Ahmedzai, UK - Johan de Munter, BE

The Cancer Pain Academy is a free of charge in-person course aiming at creating an interactive programme dedicated to oncologists, surgeons, nurses, patient advocates, radiologists, anaesthesiologists and pharmacists to help improve the quality of cancer pain management and to deepen the holistic approach in this care with the points of view of different experts.

Course Format

  • Plenary lectures on state-of-the-art clinical treatments with reference to clinical guidelines
  • Clinical case presentations and discussion with an international faculty of top experts
  • Ground round workshop to put learnings into practice

Learning Objectives

  • To raise awareness about the essentials of cancer pain (i.e., pathophysiology of cancer pain and how to assess classify it)
  • To discuss the management of pain cases (an interdisciplinary panel discussion)
  • To focus on the importance of when and how to involve the interdisciplinary care team in the care plan
  • To educate participants on coping with stressful situations in managing cancer patients with pain

Main Topics

  • Pathophysiology of cancer pain
  • Assessment and classification of cancer pain
  • ESMO & country guidelines in the treatment of cancer pain
  • Multimodal management of cancer pain treatment
  • Biopsychosocial model of treating cancer pain
  • Involvement of interdisciplinary teams in the care plan 

The course is held entirely in English and fluency in English is necessary for admission.



Luogo Mercure Roma Hotel West,

Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore ETS
Sede legale: Via Tacito 7 - 00193 Roma
Codice Fiscale 80027230483 -  P.IVA: 14600111000

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L'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore è il capitolo italiano dell'International Association for the Study of Pain IASP® e della European Pain Federation EFIC®

