Workshop internazionale a Singapore sulla gestione del dolore oncologico
A Palliative Care Perspective
Singapore, 26 luglio 2017
Promoted by the International Menarini Foundation, with the scientific support of EuLAP® European League against Pain.
The 12th edition of the Asia-Pacific Hospices Congress is the perfect occasion to include a workshop on cancer pain and palliative cares. The International Menarini Foundation did not loose such appetizing occasion. In fact, with the help of a very well known international Faculty is proposing a WS whose title reminds the potential audience of the border line between Cancer Pain and Palliative Care. This border has changed during the last few years, and the hospice is becoming the place where to care for the suffering people that cannot be cured at home, in his/her terminal part of life. The approach at the moment is quite different than the one perceived in the past, when the Hospice was a place to avoid, not just for the patients but also for the relatives.
This behavioral revolution is the effect of the cultural promotion of the best cares for the cancer pain, and for the patients with cancer, in general. It has been enough to open the discussion on topics that were previously forbidden. Now we are more acquainted with the different aspects and all the necessities of those patients. Hence we are more ready, at international level, to accept the concepts of the terminal care.
Part of this cultural revolution has been the consequence of a better knowledge of the physiopathology of the disease named cancer, and all its consequences, but also of the availability of new drugs. All the topic will be discussed by a team of experts that will start discussing why the patient with cancer has an extremely high prevalence and incidence of pain. Immediately after, many other clinical problems will be presented. Between others, in the last few years one of the aspects that has received the attention of the scientists is the breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP). Part of the WS will be dedicated to this aspect.
Any Oncologist and Pain Doctor, but also the General Practitioners, should know better this difficult part of Pain Medicine. This is the reason why all of us should applaude to the generosity of the Menarini International Foundation, which has shown great sensibility to accept the proposal to organize a dedicated WS to this important topic. In fact, this is not only important for the better cure of the cancer pain patients, but for their better care in general.