Premi messi in palio dalla IASP, scadenza partecipazione 20 ottobre 2021
Sono tre i premi messi in palio dalla International Association for the Study of Pain.
Il 20 ottobre prossimo scadono i termini per partecipare. I dettagli sulle modalità di partecipazione e sull'entità dei premi sono visionabili cliccando su ogni singolo titolo.
Patrick D. Wall Young Investigator Prize for Basic Science:
This award honors an individual who has achieved a high level of independence as an outstanding scholar in the field of pain in basic science.
Ulf Lindblom Young Investigator Prize for Clinical Science:
Presented to a young investigator who has achieved a high level of independence as an outstanding scholar in the field of pain in clinical science
Ronald Dubner Research Prize:
Presented to the student, intern, resident, pre-doctoral fellow, post-doctoral fellow, or equivalent, who published or put into press the best research paper, series of papers, or doctoral thesis in the field of pain.