12° Congresso European Pain Federation, dal 27 al 30 aprile

Il Congresso della European Pain Federation si svolge a Dublino ma mantiene la formula ibrida, quindi chi fosse interessato può iscriversi per seguire i lavori online fino al giorno prima e durante il congresso.
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I soci AISD hanno diritto alla quota come IASP national Chapters.

Welcome to EFIC 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are very excited to invite you to Pain in Europe XII: the 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 27 – 30 April 2022. I am honoured to serve as Scientific Programme Committee Chair, and to set out my vision for the #EFIC2022 programme.

As our world becomes increasingly digital, our healthcare services will adapt and take advantage of the new opportunties this opens up. At the same time, our patients will continue to expect human contact. Big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence are transforming many aspects of economies and societies; what role will they play for pain medicine? With the average increase in life expectancy, as well as new treatments being available to cure or control different diseases, comorbidities are becoming more and more prevalent in most chronic diseases. As we are well aware, stress, insomnia, and depression are all comorbidities relevant to pain. Their study can open up new avenues of research that can lead us to make breakthroughs in the treatment of pain.

Taking into account these issues, our 2022 congress theme will be ‘Targeting pain and its comorbidities in the Digital Age´. In addition, we expect to focus on other burning issues such as new research methodologies and the limitations of existing research paradigms and the future of analgesics.

Pain in Europe XII will continue to focus on an interdisciplinary pain management, with a programme that benefits basic researchers, practicing physicians, as well as allied healthcare professionals. We are aware 2020 has been a challenging year for all. As unprecedented times require unprecedented actions, Pain in Europe XII will be organised as a hybrid model, incorporating and offering virtual elements based on the latest technology in the congress management sector along with well-known on-site aspects.

We are looking forward to ​welcoming you all in Dublin, Ireland. We hope the Congress will provide all participants with an unforgettable personal and professional experience.

Eija Kalso, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee
Pain in Europe XII – 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC

Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore ETS
Email: info@aisd.it 
Pec: associazionestudiodolore@pec.it
Sede legale: Via Tacito 7 - 00193 Roma
Codice Fiscale 80027230483 -  P.IVA: 14600111000

Articoli, notizie, comunicati possono essere inviati a: redazione@aisd.it

Per informazioni riguardanti le iscrizioni: soci@aisd.it


L'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore è il capitolo italiano dell'International Association for the Study of Pain IASP® e della European Pain Federation EFIC®


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