European Journal of Pain: online il numero di gennaio 2025

L'European Journal of Pain (EJP) è la rivista ufficiale della European Pain Federation. È una rivista internazionale multidisciplinare che si propone come un forum internazionale su tutti gli aspetti della ricerca e della gestione del dolore. L'EJP pubblica articoli di ricerca clinica e scientifica di base pertinenti a tutti gli aspetti della medicina dolore, comprese specialità come anestesia, odontoiatria, neurologia e neurochirurgia, ortopedia, cure palliative, farmacologia, fisiologia, psichiatria, psicologia e riabilitazione; vengono trattati anche gli aspetti socioeconomici del dolore.

Nel numero di gennaio 2025:


- The measurement of “high-impact chronic pain”: Limitations and alternative methods
Daniel L. Riddle,  Levent Dumenci

- Evaluating multiplicity reporting in analgesic clinical trials: An analytical review
Maaz S. Khan,  Lori F. Zarmer,  Jie Liang,  Sepideh Saroukhani,  Anthony R. Lucas,  Colin J. L. McCartney,  Rabail Chaudhry


- Adverse childhood experiences, brain efficiency, and the development of pain symptoms in youth (Open Access)
Samantha Miller,  Karen L. Cobos,  Nivez Rasic,  Xiangyu Long,  Catherine Lebel,  Neta Bar Am,  Melanie Noel,  Daniel Kopala-Sibley,  Richelle Mychasiuk,  Jillian Vinall Miller

- Predictors of subacute postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty: A secondary analysis of two randomized trials
Anders H. Springborg,  Henrik Kehlet,  Niklas I. Nielsen,  Kirill Gromov,  Anders Troelsen,  Claus Varnum,  Nicolai B. Foss

- Psychometric examination of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory Short Form (MPFI-24) and the Psy-Flex Spanish versions in individuals with chronic pain (Open Access)
Jaime Navarrete,  Carla Rodríguez-Freire,  Juan P. Sanabria-Mazo,  David Martínez-Rubio,  Lance M. McCracken,  Ana Gallego,  Felicia T. A. Sundstrom,  Mayte Serrat,  Jordi Alonso,  Albert Feliu-Soler,  Rubén Nieto,  Juan V. Luciano

- Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of chronic pain in the Spanish population. Results from the pain barometer (Open Access)
Dueñas, H. De Sola, A. Salazar,  A. Esquivia,  S. Rubio,  I. Failde

- Trajectories of opioid use among patients with low back pain: Association to work absence (Open Access)
Johan Liseth Hansen,  Knut Reidar Wangen

- Prevalence of Fabry disease in patients with chronic pain: Lessons from the DOUFAB and DOUFABIS studies (Open Access)
Chloé Angelini,  Claire Bar,  Marie Pierre Baudier,  Patricia Fergelot,  Gwenaëlle Lancelot,  Caroline Rooryck,  Dominique P. Germain,  Firas Jabbour,  Anne-Sophie Blanchet,  Alexandre Cauchie,  Elisabeth Sarrazin,  Rémi Bellance,  Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur,  Julie Bismuth,  Stéphanie Ranque-Garnier,  Virginie Corand,  Isabelle Coupry,  Cyril Goizet,  The DOUFABIS Consortium

- Vicarious facilitation of facial responses to pain: Does the others' expression need to be painful? (Open Access)
Peter J. Göller,  Philipp Reicherts,  Stefan Lautenbacher,  Miriam Kunz

 -Chronic pain among primary fentanyl users: The concept of self-medication (Open Access)
Jane J. Kim,  Dianah Hayati,  Milad Zamany,  Fiona Choi,  Kerry Jang,  Martha Ignaszewski,  Pouya Azar,  Michael Krausz

- Exploring signs of central sensitization in adolescents with hypermobility Spectrum disorder or hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Open Access)
Elke Schubert-Hjalmarsson,  Anders Fasth,  Kelly Ickmans,  Ann-Charlott Söderpalm,  Mari Lundberg

- Preoperative resting-state electrophysiological signals predict acute but not chronic postoperative pain
Qi Han,  Hailu Wang,  Xuejing Lu,  Yaru Li,  Yutong Guo,  Xiangyue Zhao,  Yi Feng,  Li Hu

- Cycling sensitivity across migraine phases: A longitudinal case–control study (Open Access)
Kuan-Po Peng,  Arne May


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