European Journal of Pain: online il numero di marzo 2025
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Assessing signs of central sensitization: A critical review of physiological measures in experimentally induced secondary hyperalgesia (Open Access), Caterina M. Leone, Cedric Lenoir, Emanuel N. van den Broeke
Navigating the light and shadow of scientific publishing faced with machine learning and generative AI (Open Access), Federico Palmisani, Daniel Segelcke, Jan Vollert
Moving towards the use of artificial intelligence in pain management (Open Access), Ryan Antel, Sera Whitelaw, Genevieve Gore, Pablo Ingelmo
Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorder Symptoms After Whiplash Trauma—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Open Access), Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson, Anna Lövgren, Wendy Yi-Ying Wu, Christopher Peck, Hans Westergren, Thomas List
Neural correlates of pain acceptance and the role of the cerebellum: Functional connectivity and anatomical differences in individuals with headaches versus matched controls (Open Access), Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Nikos Konstantinou, Yiolanda Christou, Savvas Papacostas, Fofi Constantinidou, Eleni Heracleous, Ioannis Seimenis, Maria Karekla
Geographical disparities in fibromyalgia severity: An Italian study (Open Access), Marco Di Carlo, Sonia Farah, Fabiola Atzeni, Alessandra Alciati, Manuela Di Franco, Cristina Iannuccelli, Laura Bazzichi, Gerolamo Bianchi, Massimo Giovale, Rosella Tirri, Serena Guiducci, Giuliana Guggino, Franco Franceschini, Rosario Foti, Alberto Lo Gullo, Giovanni Biasi, Elisa Gremese, Lorenzo Dagna, Enrico Tirri, Roberto Giacomelli, Alberto Batticiotto, Maurizio Cutolo, Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini, Fausto Salaffi
Peak alpha frequency differs between chronic back pain and chronic widespread pain, Natalie McLain, Rocco Cavaleri, Jason Kutch
Lower thresholds and stronger adaptation to pain in musicians reflect occupational-specific adaptations to contact heat stimulation (Open Access), Rebecca Divarco, Fabian Sternkopf, Matthias Karst, Eckart Altenmüller, Perianen Ramasawmy, Andrea Antal, André Lee
Signs of hyperpathia in chronic peripheral neuropathic pain (Open Access), Malin Erika Carmland, Melissa Dall Kreutzfeldt, Peter Kolind Brask-Thomsen, Troels Staehelin Jensen, Flemming Winther Bach, Søren Hein Sindrup, Nanna Brix Finnerup
A randomized clinical trial of emotional freedom techniques for chronic pain: Live versus self-paced delivery with 6-month follow-up, Peta Stapleton, Clara Wilson, Nicola Uechtritz, Michele Stewart, Michelle McCosker, Tom O'Keefe, Matthew Blanchard
Pain profiles and variability in temporal summation of pain and conditioned pain modulation in pain-free individuals and patients with low back pain, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia (Open Access)
Kristian Kjær-Staal Petersen, Søren O'Neill, Morten Rune Blichfeldt-Eckhardt, Casper Nim, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Henrik Bjarke Vægter
Effect of limb position change on capsaicin-evoked pain: Evidence of interplays between the vascular and nociceptive systems?, Arthur S. Courtin, Clara Knaepen, André Mouraux, Sabien Geraldine Antonia van Neerven
Post-injury use of opioid analgesics in patients with traumatic injury: A registry-based study (Open Access), Henrik A. Torp, Svetlana O. Skurtveit, Ingebjørg Gustavsen, Jon M. Gran, Leiv A. Rosseland
The effect of stretching intensity on pain sensitivity: A randomized crossover study on healthy adults (Open Access), Morten Pallisgaard Støve, Line Ørum Hansen, Kristian Kloppenborg Elmbæk, Stig Peter Magnusson, Janus Laust Thomsen, Allan Riis
Prescription time trends in patients with high-impact chronic pain: A National Patient Registry Study (Open Access), Karin D. Bruun, Caroline T. Thorarinsson, Henrik B. Vaegter, Floor D. Zegers, Bente M. Nørgård, Mette Wod
Pain-related impairment in daily activities after lung cancer surgery: A 1-year prospective cohort study (Open Access), Allan V. Danielsen, Jan J. Andreasen, Birthe Dinesen, John Hansen, Kristian K. Petersen, Kirsten S. Duch, Carsten Simonsen, Lars Arendt-Nielsen
Plasma neurofilament light chain in fibromyalgia: A case control study exploring correlation with clinical and cognitive features, Maddalena Ruggieri, Giulia Paparella, Livio Clemente, Giuseppe Libro, Concetta Domenica Gargano, Marina de Tommaso
Expectation of analgesia increases the inhibitory response of conditioned pain modulation in healthy participants who at baseline have a non-inhibitory profile, Allen Matheus S. Nascimento, Soraya S. Ardestani, Isabela C. Novaes, Paulo César R. Conti, Leonardo R. Bonjardim, Fernando G. Exposto, Peter Svensson, Yuri M. Costa
A discrete choice experiment: Understanding patient preferences for managing chronic non-cancer pain, Gabrielle Campbell, Stella Settumba, Ria Hopkins, Suzanne Nielsen, Briony Larance, Raimondo Bruno, Milton Cohen, Louisa Degenhardt, Marian Shanahan
The effect of retrieval-induced forgetting for pain-related memories on child pain-related outcomes: A randomized experimental study, Aline Wauters, Frederick Daenen, Dimitri M. L. Van Ryckeghem, Melanie Noel, Tine Vervoort
A Parallel Human and Rat Investigation of the Interaction Between Descending and Spinal Modulatory Mechanisms (Open Access), Anna Fieldwalker, Ryan Patel, Lucy Zhao, Mateusz W. Kucharczyk, Michael Mansfield, Kirsty Bannister
Cannabinoids for Acute Postoperative Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials, Víctor Hugo González Cárdenas, Mariafernanda Valdivieso Díaz, Carlos Felipe Mateus Almeciga, Juan Carlos Echeverry Carrillo, Juan Carlos López Trujillo, Angela Rocío Hernández Arenas, Jorge Luis Paternina Rojas
Eyes on Newborns: How NICU Staff's Attention and Emotions Shape Neonatal Pain Assessment (Open Access), Philipp Deindl, Alexandra Luister, Eik Vettorazzi, Nadine Pointner, Dominique Singer, Angelika Berger, Michael Wagner, Vito Giordano
Spontaneous Pain and Pain Sensitivity in Response to Prolonged Experimental Sleep Disturbances—Potential Sex Differences, Keeyon Olia, Michael R. Goldstein, Larissa C. Engert, Luciana Besedovsky, Rammy Dang, Suzanne M. Bertisch, Navil Sethna, Monika Haack
A Multidimensional Regression Model for Predicting Recurrence in Chronic Low Back Pain, Yilong Huang, Chunli Li, Jiaxin Chen, Zhongwei Wang, Derong Zhao, Lei Yang, Zhenguang Zhang, Yuanming Jiang, Xiaolina Zhang, Bo He, Zaiyi Liu
Development and Validation of a Short Version (PAIC6) of the Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition Scale (Open Access), Vivien Schreiber, Miriam Kunz, Wilco Achterberg, Jenny T. van der Steen, Frank Lobbezoo, Bernhard Langner, Stefan Lautenbacher
Ten Minutes of Core Stabilisation Exercise Result in Local Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia in Patients With Chronic Unspecific Low Back Pain (Open Access), Fabian Tomschi, Andre Zschunke, Thomas Hilberg
Hypercapnia Reduces Perceived Heat Pain in Healthy Subjects (Open Access), Guekos, M. Hau, S. Grob, G. Sharvit, P. Schweinhardt
The Impact of Pain on Everyday Activities of People With Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders or Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Open Access), Susanne Lindholm, Suzanne Petersson, Peter Molander, Mathilda Björk
Neural correlates of pain acceptance and the role of the cerebellum: Comment, Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit