Prossimi AISD FOCUS DAY: 10 marzo e 19 maggio 2018

10 marzo 2018 

Dolore pelvico cronico: nuove acquisizioni patogenetiche per nuove strategie terapeutiche condivise, inter e multidisciplinari

Evento formativo in associazione con la Società Italiana Ginecologia della Terza Età

Con il patrocinio di AISD e SIGiTE

Sessione I
Dolore pelvico cronico: status quo

Sessione II
Le nuove acquisizione patogenetiche (i"complici" in azione)

Sessione III
Analgesia totale o quotidianità? Il vero end point della terapia del dolore cronico non oncologico con fenotipo neuropatico (le nuove strategie terapeutiche: quali strumenti, quale utilizzo)


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Provider ECM: Zeroseicongressi

Convegno gratuito a numero chiuso


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15-16 gennaio a Venezia: XII Corso di neuromodulazione

Organizzato dalla Officina Algologica Triveneta, dal 15 al 16 gennaio si svolgerà a Venezia il XII Corso di Neuromodulazione.

Presidenti: M. Bevilacqua, E. Polati

Presidente Onorario: G. Pinato

Segreteria Scientifica: M. Bevilacqua, G. Calcarella, I. Dones, M. Meglio,
M. Parolini, A. Martini, E. Polati, C. Reverberi, V. Schweiger

Segreteria Organizzativa: Officina Algologica Triveneto

De Prato Congressi sas

Sede: Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal , Venezia 15-16 Gennaio 2018


Task Force on Multimodal Pain Treatment Defines Terms for Chronic Pain Care

The IASP Council in October approved new definitions aimed at clarifying terminology for different multicomponent treatment approaches, following the recommendations of a Presidential Task Force on Multimodal Pain Treatment. 

Responding to concerns about potential confusion in the terminology often used to describe approaches to treating chronic pain, the task force unanimously agreed to definitions of the terms “unimodal,” “multimodal,” “multidisciplinary,” and “interdisciplinary.” Clarification was essential, task force members agreed, because the lines had become blurred over the years as pain treatment centers with different types of specialists used the terms interchangeably.Following are the definitions:

  • Unimodal treatment is defined as a single therapeutic intervention directed at a specific pain mechanism or pain diagnosis. For example: the application of exercise treatment by a physiotherapist.
  • Multimodal treatment is defined as the concurrent use of separate therapeutic interventions with different mechanisms of action within one discipline aimed at different pain mechanisms. For example: the use of pregabalin and opioids for pain control by a physician; the use of NSAID and orthosis for pain control by a physician.
  • Multidisciplinary treatment is defined as multimodal treatment provided by practitioners from different disciplines. For example: the prescription of an anti-depressant by a physician alongside exercise treatment from a physiotherapist, and cognitive behavioral treatment by a psychologist, all the professions working separately with their own therapeutic aim for the patient and not necessarily communicating with each other.
  • Interdisciplinary treatment is defined as multimodal treatment provided by a multidisciplinary team collaborating in assessment and treatment using a shared biopsychosocial model and goals. For example: the prescription of an anti-depressant by a physician alongside exercise treatment from a physiotherapist, and cognitive behavioral treatment by a psychologist, all working closely together with regular team meetings (face to face or online), agreement on diagnosis, therapeutic aims and plans for treatment and review.

The international task force consisted of experienced members of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary pain treatment services and research teams from such backgrounds as pain medicine, orthopedics, physical therapy, anesthesiology, and clinical psychology. Members of the task force, which conducted its work from December 2015 through May 2017, were Michael Nicholas, Takahiro Ushida, Mark Wallace, Amanda Williams, Harriet Wittink, Robert Edwards, and M.R. Rajagopal. Ulrike Kaiser and Kathleen Slukachaired the group.

Dec 14, 2017

Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore ETS
Sede legale: Via Tacito 7 - 00193 Roma
Codice Fiscale 80027230483 -  P.IVA: 14600111000

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L'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore è il capitolo italiano dell'International Association for the Study of Pain IASP® e della European Pain Federation EFIC®

